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Semen Listings
Recent Sires
Angus - Black
EPD Comparisons
Angus Bargain Semen
Black Angus w/video
2025 Angus List
(PDF 68 pages)

Angus - Red
Red Angus Bargain Semen
Club Calf
Maine Anjou Bargain Semen
Chianina Bargain Semen
Gelbvieh - All
Black Purebred
Red Purebred
Black & Red Balancer
Gelbvieh - Bargain Semen
(includes Fullbloods)

Igenity data
GeneSTAR data
2020 Gelb. Catalog
(PDF 47 pages)

2025 Gelbvieh Flyer
(PDF 14 pages)

Hereford - All
Hereford - polled
Hereford - horned
Hereford - Black
Shorthorn - w/photo
Shorthorn - listing
Simmental - All
Simmental - Black
Simmental - Red
Simm - Solutions
Simm - Bargain Semen
Bargain Semen

The Advantage
The System
Influenced Females
Hitting the Target
The Bottom Line

General Info
Diversity & Innovate
Gelbvieh Hall of Fame
Grow Rich with A.I.
Stem Cell Research
Cancun Adventure
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Bull Barn - Sires added in the last 30 days

Select the number of days to display -> 90 days30 days7 daystoday

Reg Num
Sem Cert code Desc Video Added Breed
Poss Rawhide 19416968 25 40 ST 3/27/2025 Angus
Basin Black Label 3245 20624801 30 40 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Byrd Fault Free 6276-2531 20441889 50 60 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Circle L Vital 20827426 30 50 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Connealy Superstock 20675208 25 40 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Connealy Validation 20711420 40 40 0 3/19/2025 Angus
FF Rito Hustler 1B69 20325042 50 50 0 3/19/2025 Angus
LR Baritone 20721975 25 40 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Sitz Heritage 8732 20321078 30 40 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Sitz Real Deal 521L 20614803 25 40 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Smith Valley Jeremiah 3110 20792954 30 50 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Varilek Historic 1017 02 20129931 25 40 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Woodhill Endowment 20669436 25 40 0 3/19/2025 Angus
Koupals B&B Conviction 3058 20756233 30 40 e 3/14/2025 Angus
Montana Jet 1271 20138612 30 40 e 3/12/2025 Angus
Spring Cove Grant 200K 20669598 50 50 e 3/12/2025 Angus
Feddes Eastwood 3284 4787522 35 0 3/20/2025 Red Angus
Master Plan 785M 1604799 40 3/27/2025 Gelbvieh
Schooley Legit 139L 4256977 30 0 3/20/2025 Simmental
Bulls added in last 30 days = 19