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Semen Listings
Recent Sires
Angus - Black
EPD Comparisons
Angus Bargain Semen
Black Angus w/video
2025 Angus List
(PDF 68 pages)

Angus - Red
Red Angus Bargain Semen
Club Calf
Maine Anjou Bargain Semen
Chianina Bargain Semen
Gelbvieh - All
Black Purebred
Red Purebred
Black & Red Balancer
Gelbvieh - Bargain Semen
(includes Fullbloods)

Igenity data
GeneSTAR data
2020 Gelb. Catalog
(PDF 47 pages)

2025 Gelbvieh Flyer
(PDF 14 pages)

Hereford - All
Hereford - polled
Hereford - horned
Hereford - Black
Shorthorn - w/photo
Shorthorn - listing
Simmental - All
Simmental - Black
Simmental - Red
Simm - Solutions
Simm - Bargain Semen
Bargain Semen

The Advantage
The System
Influenced Females
Hitting the Target
The Bottom Line

General Info
Diversity & Innovate
Gelbvieh Hall of Fame
Grow Rich with A.I.
Stem Cell Research
Cancun Adventure
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Red Angus Semen Bargain Semen
These 'oldies but goodies' might not be available anyplace else!

Shipping charges apply to all semen orders.
Sire Reg# Semen Sexed
5L Independence 560-298Y 1450309 $25
Andras New Direction R240 1506922 $19
Beckton Halfmann Hustler 1042326 $18
Beckton Lancer T A664 358389 $ASK
BHR Durango 1158 1454296 $50
Bieber RReds Takeout 305A 1599554 $15
Brown AA Predictabull C5748 1750557 $25
Brown AA Predictabull C5748 1750557 $15
Brown BLW Fantastic C5959 3527623 $24
Brown CCFP Efficient C5454 3497039 $15
Brown Commitment S7206 1120008 $10
Brown Pacesetter Y7170 1442304 $10
C-BAR-RJ Genesis A31 1628423 $15
HXC Big Iron 0024X 1378526 $15
HXC Jackhammer 8800U 1269438 $10 F20
Jeffries Gladiator 24C 3534240 $25
LCC Above and Beyond 1300J 662722 $50
LCC Major League A502M 832407 $20
LCHMN Bandito Tres1781H 619742 $10
Leachman EBV 6703 194921 $25
LSF Boxed Beef 9063W 1305669 $10
LSF Combination A301M 833209 $10
LSF Conqueror 0026X 1368793 $13
LSF SRR Elite 5356C 1744885 $15
Majestic Lightning 717 SGMR 1155775 $50
McPhee Trophy 36 1597069 $25
No Equal in the League 1000P 962569 $5
Perks Advancer 9088 689729 $20
PIE Deep Canyon 908 687891 $15
Red Cockburn Ribeye 308U 1416579 $20
Red Lazy MC Spyder 149A 1621517 $28
Red Six Mile Cruise 125C 3583474 $18
Red Ter-Ron Reload 703T 1337713 $20
Redhill B571 Julian 1W 1308289 $17
Schuler No Equal 6527F 523834 $5
Six Mile Win-Chester 745W 1371780 $10
SRR True Grit 106 1433623 $5
TE Mania Red Label Z1023 1167403 $5
TR Epic ST618 1122033 $5
TR Ricardo RT574 1045620 $10
WEBR Dr. Feel Good 1112 1433395 $40


Bull Barn and its agents or employees cannot guarantee the conception rate quality or productivity to be obtained in connection with the use of its products or recommended techniques, therefore, it makes no warranty of any kind whatsoever expressed or implied which extend beyond description of the products herein and all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are hereby disclaimed.

Further, neither Bull Barn nor any of its or their agents or employees, shall be responsible for any injury, damage or loss caused to persons, animals or property through the negligent use or handling of its or their products, or for any damages or loss due to any defects in the containers used in connection therewith.