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Black Angus Sire
BUBS Southern Charm AA31
BUBS Southern Charm AA31
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 17853196
Calved: 10/31/2013
Tattoo: AA31

Conv. Semen: $35
Certificates: $40
BUBS Southern Charm AA31:
• BUBS Southern Charm AA31 is a bull to fit almost anyone's needs. He has impeccable phenotype with Balance from every angle, but honestly that's just the icing on the cake, take a long look at his epd set and you will find there is much more to him that just good looks. He is a game changer in terms of carcass epds. Since the Angus breed has begun it's focus on carcass merit, we began our ongoing look for a carcass bull that you would still like to look at. Southern Charm has a better hip to pin ratio and more bone than any other carcass bred bull we have seen or used, he is level topped, clean fronted and clean sheathed.
• His dam has a production record with a weaning ratio of 3 @ 108 his maternal grand dam boasts 5 @ 113. • It's great if a bull has looks and paper to go behind him, but the real stamp of a great sire lies in the wait of his offspring, wait no more, we already know they possess his phenotype and marketability.
• Charm throws medium sized calves and has been used on maiden heifers without issue.
• Calves are thick and square made with added bone.
• His maternal cow family and he himself have thrived in fescue country, making him a nice choice for Southern breeders.
• Cow family udders are very nice.
• He has been used on commercial cows as well as reg. cows with excellent results and above average weaning weights.

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Silveiras Conversion 8064 BT Crossover 758N C A Future Direction 5321
BT Royal Pride 237G
EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 BR Midland
Exar Saras Dream 9809
BUBS Southern Charm AA31
HickoryHillErica009 Connealy Stimulus 8419 H A Power Alliance 1025
Black Creesa of Conanga 5332
Hickory Hill Erica TA32 Morgans Direction 111 9901
Hickory Hill Erica RA58