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Black Angus Sire
Baldridge Colonel C251
Baldridge Colonel C251
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 18493773
Calved: 4/23/2015
Tattoo: C251

Conv. Semen: $20
Certificates: $50
Baldridge Colonel C251:
A once in a lifetime industry changing bull.
This record setting $580,000 bull brings a complete outside the box pedigree to the table loaded with a never seen before muscle pattern.
The promising part of this elite sire, in part, is due to his mother who will go down in history as one of the top Angus producers ever, Baldridge Isabel Y69.
His deceased sire opens the book up for EPD excellence across the board with outcross mating flexibility. Sort his major EPD traits and you will be amazed at what little shows up for competition.
Nearly any cow herd could use the muscle and body depth offered by this bull. Where he sets himself apart from most heavy muscled bulls is his athletic stride and comfort in his skeleton.
Foot soundness and correct shape and depth at his foundation will carry this bull’s massive muscle with ease. His uncanny personality and superior docility is an added bonus that can’t be overlooked.
This bull sold 2,000 units of semen before he entered the sale ring on January 28, 2017 as a coming two year old. The breed is yearning for the combination of power, pedigree, and across the board EPD excellence that Colonel has to offer.

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