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Black Angus Sire
EXAR Monumental 6056B
EXAR Monumental 6056B
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 18379347
Calved: 1/11/2016
Tattoo: 6056B

Conv. Semen: $45
Certificates: $40
EXAR Monumental 6056B:
• Among the top four sires available from ORIgen on the basis of $Beef value index and hot Carcass Weight EPD as of this writing, like his very popular sire, he ranks among the Angus breed’s elite for Weaning Weight EPD, Yearling Weight EPD and $Feedlot value index and combines breed-leading growth with a double-digit Calving Ease Direct EPD and a minus Birth Weight EPD, and in addition to his excellence in the measurable traits, Monumental also has excellent feet and legs and tremendous balance and eye appeal with a good disposition to check all the boxes necessary to be a “Monumental” force in the Angus breed.
• The $80,000 top-selling bull of the 2017 Express Spring Bull Sale, this member of the 2017 National Western Grand Champion Carload of Bulls was one of the favorites of the yards at Denver in January of 2017 and his dam has two progeny at Express with an average weaning ratio of 118 and as his dam’s first natural calf, Monumental had and adjusted 365 day weight of 1,512 lbs for a yearling ratio of 110 in combination with a 129 IMF ratio and an adjusted 365 day UREA measure of 15.9 square inches.

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3F Epic 4631 Varilek Product 2010 04 Connealy Final Product
Varilek Pearl 0006 014
Zebo Queen 1072 EF Complement 8088
EXG Blackcap 6247 PPC
EXAR Monumental 6056B
FWY7008ofC0854029 A A R Ten X 7008 S A Mytty In Focus
A A R Lady Kelton 5551
FWY Rita C085 Summitcrest Complete 1P55
Bohi Rita 8291