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Black Angus Sire
SydGen KCF Gavel 8361
SydGen KCF Gavel 8361
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19195196
Calved: 2/23/2018
Tattoo: 8361

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
SydGen KCF Gavel 8361:
• SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 set a new record valuation for the SydGen program when one-third interest of him sold for $80,000 to the Mogck family in the 41st Annual SydGen Fall Sale, giving him a total valuation of $240,000.
• Produced by the $54,000-valued Fortress daughter SydGen added from the 2017 Bases Loaded sale at the National Western, this great-grandson of the ORIgen legend Hoover Dam has the potential to carry on the legacy of sire line that has set the standard of excellence at ORIgen.
• Two brothers to Gavel have sold for $15,500 at SydGen, and his full brother was the Number 1 bull calf for WW EPD, CW EPD and $F index of his calf crop at SydGen that sold to Rolling 7 Ranch Company, Broken Bow, Nebraska in 2018.
• Among all active ORIgen Angus sires, SydGen KCF Gavel 8361 ranks Number 3 for Residual Average Daily Gain EPD and Yearling Weight EPD, Number 4 for hot Carcass Weight EPD and Weaning Weight EPD and top 10 for $Weaned calf value index and Calving Ease Maternal EPD.

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Baldridge Colonel C251 baldridge Xpand x743 Hoover Dam
Baldridge Queen S87
Baldridge Isabel Y69 Styles Upgrade J59
Baldridge Isabel T935
SydGen KCF Gavel 8361
KCFMissFortressB398 K C F Bennett Fortress Connealy Consensus
Thomas Patricia 9705
K C F Miss Southside Z541 K C F Bennett Southside
K C F Miss In Focus W64