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Black Angus Sire
SCC SCH 24 Karat 838
SCC SCH 24 Karat 838
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19262743
Calved: 3/25/2018
Tattoo: 838

Conv. Semen: $100
Certificates: $50
SCC SCH 24 Karat 838:
An incredible bull built with a flawless phenotype, incredible build and a pedigree stacked with proven production and an unbelievable track record in the show ring. His sire was a Denver Champion as was his dam, being successfully campaigned by Leslie Rogers. In fact, some have called Proven Queen 419 the ideal Angus donor for today! His Grand-dam and Grand sire won Junior Nationals. Not sure you can get more show heifer genetics in this pedigree and we offer you a chance on utilizing a sire that brings so much good in terms of phenotype with his flawless structure, added feature, incredible body shape all matched with a killer look it’s hard to replicate the way he is built.

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SCC Tradition of 24 Wright SCC Bootlegger 0522 S A V Brilliance 8077
SCC Phyllis 052
SCC Royal Blackbird GAF 112 Dameron First Class
S C C Royal Blackbird 502
SCC SCH 24 Karat 838
FCFProvenQueen419 SCC First-N-Goal GAF 114 Dameron First Class
S C C Royal Blackbird 502
FCF SCC PVF Proven Queen 615 P V F New Horizon 001
Dameron PVF Proven Queen010