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Black Angus Sire
Ellingson Rangeland
Ellingson Rangeland
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19590500
Calved: 2/24/2019
Tattoo: 9144

Conv. Semen: $20
Sexed Semen: $F40 M40
Certificates: $40
Ellingson Rangeland:
• The product of outcross lineage and a proven pedigree, Rangeland offers unprecedented potential to carry on the Angus breed's legacy of dominant maternal excellence.
• Earning a birth ratio of 93, he topped the scale at weaning with a ratio of 116. Ranking Top 10% for $B and Top 5% for $C, his elite EPD's are rare for a sire with this much quality and soundness.
• Backed by model Angus females, Rangeland is designed for calving ease with the ability to produce females who require little input.
• Rangeland is a sire who can provide value to many lines of cattle, offering fresh genetics from a respected program.

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Basin Rainmaker 4404 Basin Rainmaker 2704 Basin Rainmaker P175
Basin Erica 7520 BV
Basin Joy 1036 Basin Payweight 107S
Basin Joy 566T
Ellingson Rangeland
EAEmblynette7009 CTS Remedy 1T01 Connealy Thunder
CTS 7V03 Bellemere Maid 9T02
EA Emblynette 5241 Koupal Advance 28
EA Emblynette 3249