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Black Angus Sire
Poss Rawhide
Poss Rawhide
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19416968
Calved: 2/11/2019
Tattoo: 9513

Conv. Semen: $25
Sexed Semen: $F40 M35
Certificates: $40
Poss Rawhide:
Rawhide is a rare individual who is already known by name for his unique Angus phenotype and foot quality. His authentic blend of presence, calving ease and superior performance is tough to rival. His sire combined with the backing of a lead donor at Poss Angus, Rawhide is the result of masterful mating. His dam captured the top weaning weight among her calf crop and is now one of the $C leaders within the Poss herd. Rawhide's genetic excellence, index merit and attractive design fuses together to create a sire built for a stockman. Use Rawhide to move your herd in a positive direction for many traits.

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Poss Maverick Basin Payweight 1682 Basin Payweight 006S
21AR O Lass 7017
Poss Pride 5163 Poss Hoover Dam 2509
Poss Pride 9526
Poss Rawhide
PossBlueblood6502 Poss Easy Impact 0119 Poss Total Impact 745
Poss Elmaretta 736
Poss Blueblood 920 Connealy All Around
Poss Blueblood Lady 5114