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Black Angus Sire
Baldridge Movin On G780
Baldridge Movin On G780
Reg. No.: 19573709
Calved: 2/11/2019
Tattoo: G780

Conv. Semen: $25
Certificates: $40
Baldridge Movin On G780:
• One of the most exciting new additions to our lineup for 2021. MOVIN ON is built from royalty that is on the cutting edge of the Angus business.
• A moderate statured Calving Ease prospect with all the perks for fertility, maternal traits, growth and end-product merit.
• MOVIN ON is impressive - he is ideal in his structure and type with exceptional foot quality. Possesses a long, square hip with a strong rear leg with extra depth of body and width throughout. He is as sound as a cat and fills his tracks on the move.
• Built from the two most prominent cows in the Baldridge program , Y69 and A030 have left their mark in the Angus breed.
• In the quest to create good functional cattle that eliminate problems,MOVIN ON should be on the short list. He fills the holes across the board.

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Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119 Poss Total Impact 745
Poss Elmaretta 736
Baldridge Blackbird A030 Hoover Dam
Baldridge Blackbird X89
Baldridge Movin On G780
BaldridgeIsabelB061 G A R Prophet C R A Bextor 872 5205 608
G A R Objective 1885
Baldridge Isabel Y69 Styles Upgrade J59
Baldridge Isabel T935