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Black Angus Sire
G A R Transcendent
G A R Transcendent
Reg. No.: 19570738
Calved: 8/9/2019
Tattoo: 5139

Conv. Semen: $25
Certificates: $40
G A R Transcendent:
• Breeding TRANSCENDENT to a breed-average Marbling female lands the calf in the top 1 percent. Think about it.
• Like no other bull in Angus breed history, TRANSCENDENT takes carcassquality to a whole new level. He makes sought-after prime premiums even more attainable.
• Yes, his Marbling EPD is off the charts. Another difference-maker trait with this bull is his YH EPD. Some of you already understand, for those who don’t, just ask someone who does.
• TRANSCENDENT’s sire and MGS (MOMENTUM and PROPHET) have over 400 actual carcass records between them. There’s a reason why bulls like this one rise to the top.

View EPD and Pedigree
Click the "Search" button when the Angus Association page appears.

G A R Momentum G A R Progress G A R Predestined
G A R Objective 2345
G A R Big Eye 1770 ALC Big Eye D09N
G A R Objective 3387
G A R Transcendent
GARProphet2685 G A R Prophet C R A Bextor 872 5205 608
G A R Objective 1885
G A R Daybreak 2842 MCC Daybreak
G A R 5050 New Design H129