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Black Angus Sire
Baldridge SR Goalkeeper
Baldridge SR Goalkeeper
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19356243
Calved: 1/7/2019
Tattoo: G01

Conv. Semen: $30
Sexed Semen: $F50 M50
Certificates: $40
Baldridge SR Goalkeeper:
• The lead-off and $90,000 two-thirds interest top-seller of the 2020 Baldridge Bull Sale, Jud Baldridge says that in terms of multi-trait strength, completeness, and balance, Goalkeeper ranks as one of the best bulls ever offered from his program.
• Goalkeeper combines two of the breed’s best-balanced sires in Enhance and Confidence Plus and his dam is one of the most impressive young females in the herd with docility and feet and udder quality to match her elite EPD profile and she is a daughter of the million dollar-valued and multi-million dollar producer Baldridge Isabel Y69 destined to add to an already great family legacy. Jud Baldridge and Stonewall Ridge are both excited about Goalkeeper’s potential to make their program goals a reality and to positively impact the entire Angus breed.
• In the Spring 2021 NCE update: NUMBER 3 at ORIgen for Residual Average Daily Gain EPD and NUMBER 4 for Docility score EPD and top 10 for Foot Angle EPD, Calving Ease Maternal EPD and Scrotal Circumference EPD. Elite top 1% for $Combined value index, Yearling Weight EPD, Residual Average Daily Gain EPD and Docility score EPD, top 2% for $Beef value index, top 3% for $Angus x Holstein index, $Angus x Jersey index, $Weaned calf value index and Weaning Weight EPD, top 4% for Scrotal Circumference EPD, top 5% for $Feedlot value index, $Grid value index and Rib Eye area EPD

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SydGen Enhance SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Googol
SydGen Forever Lady 1255
SydGen Rita 2618 SydGen Liberty GA 8627
Fox Run Rita 9308
Baldridge SR Goalkeeper
BaldridgeIsabelE030 Connealy Confidence Plus Connealy Confidence 0100
Elbanna of Conanga 1209
Baldridge Isabel Y69 Styles Upgrade J59
Baldridge Isabel T935