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Black Angus Sire
HPCA Vercingetorix
HPCA Vercingetorix
Reg. No.: 19346476
Calved: 11/7/2018
Tattoo: Z928

Conv. Semen: $25
Sexed Semen: $F75
Certificates: $50
HPCA Vercingetorix:
• Dam is the $650,000 record-setting dam of the new ORIgen sire HPCA Vercingetorix and her rapidly growing list of high-value progeny include a flush brother to Adept chosen by ABS Global, the $310,000 half-interest Riverbend Miss Belle 9104, the $300,000 half-interest Ankony Miss Belle 9090 and the $140,000 half-interest Ankony Miss Belle 9100.
• Uniquely combines phenotype, structural soundness, balanced EPD’s, and elite carcass merit.
• This is the Number 1 usage bull at Leachman, Ankony and Hinkle’s Prime Cut Angus!
• In the Spring 2021 NCE Update: NUMBER 5 at ORIgen for Calving Ease Direct EPD and top 10 for $Angus x Holstein index and Calving Ease Maternal EPD. Elite top 1% for $Beef value index and $Combined value index, top 2% for $Grid value index, Rib Eye area EPD, Calving Ease Direct EPD and $Angus x Holstein index, top 3% for $Angus x Jersey index, top 4% for Marbling score EPD and top 5% for Pulmonary Arterial Pressure EPD.

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G A R Ashland G A R Early Bird G A R Daylight
G A R Progress 830
Chair Rock Ambush 1018 B/R Ambush 28
G A R Yield Grade N366
HPCA Vercingetorix
HPCASureFireP245 G A R Sure Fire Connealy In Sure 8524
Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086
H P C A Sunrise 2172 G A R Sunrise
Hpca 5050 4202