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Black Angus Sire
Dvar Huckleberry 871
Dvar Huckleberry 871
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19211568
Calved: 2/3/2018

Conv. Semen: $40
Sexed Semen: $F60 M60
Certificates: $40
Dvar Huckleberry 871:
• An exciting new addition to the ORIgen marketing system that combines a Rib Eye area EPD that is Number 1 among sons of his famous sire with overall excellence for $Combined value index, $Maternal value index and $Beef value index, this could be the son of his sire that many have been searching for. • The donor dam is a daughter of the ORIgen record-setter for both semen production and semen sales, the legendary Pathfinder Sire Hoover Dam while his grandam is the full sister to Sitz Upward that sold half interest for $195,000 and produced countless herd sire sons and top-selling daughters at Deer Valley, Express and Pollard Farms including the ORIgen marketing sires EXAR Stetson, lead bull a Grand Champion Carload of Angus Bulls and EXAR Resistol, the anchor bull of that same carload. • In the Spring 2021 NCE Update:
NUMBER 2 at ORIgen for $Maternal value index and Claw Set EPD, NUMBER 3 for Rib Eye area EPD and NUMBER 5 for $Angus x Holstein index and $Combined value index and top 10 among active Angus Sires for $Combined value index and top 10 at ORIgen for Foot Angle EPD, Docility score EPD and Residual Average Daily Gain EPD. Elite top 1% for $Beef value index, $Maternal value index, Rib Eye area EPD, $Angus x Holstein index, $Combined value index and Docility score EPD, top 2% for $Angus x Jersey index, Claw Set EPD and Residual Average Daily Gain EPD and top 3% for $Feedlot value index and $Grid value index.

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Connealy Confidence Plus Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Tobin
Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Elbanna of Conanga 1209 Connealy Consensus
Elbasta of Conanga 9703
Dvar Huckleberry 871
DvarHenriettaPride4001 Hoover Dam SydGen C C & 7
Erica of Ellston C124
Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T Connealy Onward
Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M