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Black Angus Sire
V A R Conclusion 0234
V A R Conclusion 0234
Reg. No.: 19697625
Calved: 2/11/2020
Tattoo: 0234

Conv. Semen: $50
Sexed Semen: $F100 M75
Certificates: $50
V A R Conclusion 0234:
• The $350,000 two-thirds interest top-selling bull of the 2021 Vintage Bull Sale where his six flush brothers sold for an average of $13,417 with a flush sister to Conclusion sold for $60,000 as a top-selling bred heifer of their 2021 female sale and another sold for $37,500 as a heifer calf there in 2020.
• Dam that has compiled more than $8,000,000 in progeny sales at Vintage has an average progeny birth ratio of 3 at 94, average progeny weaning ratio of 3 at 116, average progeny yearling ratio of 2 at 105, average progeny %IMF ratio of 51 at 104, and average progeny URE ratio of 51 at 103.
• The six maternal sisters to Conclusion sold for $185,000 to average more than $30,000 in 2020 include a $45,000 selection of Circle G in Georgia, a $40,000 selection of Riverbend in Idaho, and a $37,500 selection of Katie Colin Farm in Georgia that is a flush sister to Conclusion.
• The dam of Conclusion, who is still in production at Vintage at 14 years of age, has produced a long list of herd sire sons that include the ABS featured sire V A R Reserve 1111, the $250,000 half-interest ORIgen sire V A R Generation 2100, the record-setting $730,000 half-interest V A R Power Play 7018, the past ORIgen sires V A R Foreman, V A R Rubicon along with the Vintage top-sellers, the $100,000 half-interest V A R Index and the $95,000 half-interest Vintage Commander.
• As of 11-24-21, among all ORIgen Angus sires, Number 3 for Weaning Weight EPD, Number 4 for Yearling Weight EPD, Number 5 for Residual Average Daily Gain EPD, top 6 for Calving Ease Direct EPD, top 7 for $Weaned calf value index and top 9 for Calving Ease Maternal EPD.
• Ultra-elite for $Weaned calf value index, Weaning Weight EPD and Yearling Weight EPD, elite for $Combined value index, $Beef value index, hot Carcass Weight EPD, Residual Average Daily Gain EPD, Rib Eye area measure EPD, $Feedlot value index, Calving Ease Direct EPD and $Grid value index and superior for Docility score EPD.

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K C F Bennett Summation K C F Bennett Consent Y75 Connealy Consensus
K C F Miss Protege W148
Thomas Patricia 9705 S S Objective T510 0T26
Thomas Patricia 71138
V A R Conclusion 0234
SandpointBlackbird8809 Connealy Onward Connealy Lead On
Altune of Conanga 6104
Riverbend Blackbird 4301 G A R Grid Maker
Riverbend Blackbird 2204