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Black Angus Sire
RAML Optics 0710
RAML Optics 0710
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19832718
Calved: 12/19/2019
Tattoo: 0710

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
RAML Optics 0710:
• Optics is a 2021 new addition and was the featured high seller at RAML’s sale! Incredible low birth and high growth combination with an outcross pedigree to nearly all of today’s popular lines. He sold to Hoover Angus, IA & Panther Creek, IL where he’ll see heavy use as well as RAML’s themselves. If you are looking for a calving ease sire who’ll add loads of performance and a larger frame with top end $Values too.....look for OPTICs! • BW: 58 • WW: 812 @ 112 ratio • YW: 1420 @ 113 ratio • SC: 41 • In our quest to find the most “optimal” bull to be sold in the spring of 2021, Optics met the mark! Although he is not extreme in any one area, we feel he is optimal in nearly every area! His EPD package instantly drew our attention, his video further sparked our interest, and by the time we evaluated the bull in person as well as FOUR of the females in his pedigree, we knew this was the bull to own! • Where can a cattleman go and view three generations of cows behind a bull? With Optics, we saw his dam, grandam, and great grandam, and were impressed with each generation. His grandam has earned Pathfinder honors, and his 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generation dams have all served as donors for Raml Cattle. His great grandam is still going strong at 10 years of age, and she produced the $28,000 Raml Rugby 7103 owned by ABS. She is a beautiful uddered, excellent footed, smooth walking female. We could tell she has passed along superior foot quality to each successive generation of females

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RAML Rangefinder 7536 GDAR Leupold 298 A A R Leupold 0578
GDAR Miss Blackcap 9232
RAML Royce 536 TC Aberdeen 759
RAML Royce 335
RAML Optics 0710
RAMLRuby710 Barstow Cash Sitz Dash 10277
Barstow Queen W16
RAML Ruby 319 TC Aberdeen 759
RAML Ruby 103