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Black Angus Sire
HHR Jailbreak H111
HHR Jailbreak H111
Reg. No.: 19833576
Calved: 2/4/2020
Tattoo: H111

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
HHR Jailbreak H111:
• With the second highest Calving Ease Direct EPD of 2,796 non-parent sons of the Number 2 sire of progeny registered during the American Angus Association’s 2021 fiscal year to join the ORIgen marketing system for 2022, his dam by the Pathfinder Sire best known as the sire of Confidence Plus was produced by a female that stacks two generations of ORIgen foundation sires in SydGen C C & 7 and Three Trees Prime Cut 0145. • With a huge spread from Birth Weight EPD to Yearling Weight EPD, this coming two year old is the cowman’s kind with breed leading genetics for $Maternal value index and $Weaned calf value index to make him a great candidate to breed virgin heifers and an even greater candidate to sire exceptional and productive replacement heifers that touch all the bases. • As of 11-24-21, among all ORIgen Angus sires, Number 2 for Calving Ease Maternal EPD and Calving Ease Direct EPD, Number 3 for hoof Claw set EPD, top 7 for Weaning Weight EPD, top 8 for Residual Average Daily Gain EPD and top 10 for $Maternal value index and percent Heifer Pregnancy EPD • Ultra-elite for $Weaned calf value index, Yearling Weight EPD, Weaning Weight EPD, Calving Ease Maternal EPD, Calving Ease Direct EPD and hoof Claw set EPD, elite for $Combined value index and $Maternal value index and superior for $Beef value index, $Feedlot value index, hot Carcass Weight EPD, Birth Weight EPD, Residual Average Daily Gain EPD

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Deer Valley Growth Fund Basin Payweight 1682 Basin Payweight 006S
21AR O Lass 7017
Deer Valley Rita 36113 Plattemere Weigh Up K360
Deer Valley Rita 9457
HHR Jailbreak H111
HHRBonnie31A Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Tobin
Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
HHR Bonnie 42Y SydGen C C & 7
K R Miss Prime Cut 95T