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Black Angus Sire
URF Alpha G138
URF Alpha G138
Reg. No.: 19806618
Calved: 11/20/2019
Tattoo: G138

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
URF Alpha G138:
• Alpha offers a balanced combination of growth, maternal, structure and carcass merit and he is backed by a cow family that gets it done.
• The dam of Alpha has calved each year on time while being flushed and has averaged over 21 eggs per flush and has already placed herd sires and donor daughters in several herds and the grandam of Alpha has been a cornerstone that has amassed $500,000 in progeny sales in her lifetime. • His owners feel Alpha is as predictable as you can make a young sire, successfully breeding heifers while still growing and both owners have sampled him heavily in their breeding programs.
• As of 11-24-21, among all ORIgen Angus sires, Number 2 for $Weaned calf value index, Number 3 for Weaning Weight EPD, Number 5 for hot Carcass Weight EPD, top 6 for Residual Average Daily Gain EPD, top 7 for Rib Eye area measure EPD, top 8 for $Combined value index and Yearling Weight EPD, top 9 for Calving Ease Maternal EPD and top 10 for foot Angle EPD
• Ultra-elite for $Beef value index, Rib Eye area measure EPD, $Combined value index, Yearling Weight EPD, $Weaned calf value index, Weaning Weight EPD and hot Carcass Weight EPD, elite for $Feedlot value index, Residual Average Daily Gain EPD and $Maternal value index and superior for $Grid value index, Scrotal Circumference EPD, Docility score EPD and foot Angle EPD

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Bar R Jet Black 5063 Connealy Black Granite Connealy Consensus 7229
Eura Elga of Conanga 9109
Bar R Iris Anita 0113 Sitz Upward 307R
Bar R Anita 7081
URF Alpha G138
URFSarah1514 R B Tour Of Duty 177 Werner War Party 2417
B A Lady 6807 305
Yon Sarah Y79 Yon Future Focus T219
Yon Sarah N170