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Black Angus Sire
HA Cow Man 7939
HA Cow Man 7939
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19151453
Calved: 9/4/2017
Tattoo: 7939

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $35
HA Cow Man 7939:
Cowman, is a terrific Commercial Breeder’s bull. The son of Basin Payweight 1682 and HA Blackcap Lady 1602, the dam of HA Cowboy Up 5404, Cowman has a very strong pedigree on both sides. In addition: He uniformly phenotypically stamps his offspring. Whether you look at our heifers or bulls, you can tell almost immediately which are his. They are all also very docile and have great feet. He covers the ground. We put him out with our mature AI cows and he was always busy, traveling up and down the rugged terrain of our Hogback and mountain pastures. He produces Sleep All Night calves. Over 75% of his heifer and bull calves have a CED in the top 20% of the Angus Herd, and over 70% have BW EPDs in the top 20% of the Herd. His offspring PAP well. Sixteen out of 20 Cowman daughters and half of sons had PAP scores below 42 at almost 18 months of age and at an altitude of just below 6,000 feet. He is a proven maternal bull. Half of his daughters and 75% of his sons have $M numbers that place them in the top 20% of the herd. His $W performance is also very good; over half of his daughters and nearly two-thirds of his sons have $W better than all but 20% of the herd.

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Basin Payweight 1682 Basin Payweight 006S Vermilion Payweight J847
Basin Lucy 3829
21AR O Lass 7017 HARB Pendleton 765 J H
21AR O Lass F24A
HA Cow Man 7939
HABlackcapLady1602 Sitz Upward 307R Connealy Onward
Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M
HA Blackcap Lady 5515 E&b 4137 Dominett 814
HA Blackcap Lady 3833