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Black Angus Sire
BA7 Oaks Bold Ruler
BA7 Oaks Bold Ruler
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19984739
Calved: 1/5/2021
Tattoo: J10

Conv. Semen: $40
Certificates: $50
BA7 Oaks Bold Ruler:
• Bold Ruler is a son Confidence Plus and out of the $200,000 Erica of Ellston T220, one of 011AN01256 38 Special’s best daughters.
• He offers excellent phenotype along with maternal strength, docility and foot quality. In addition, his EPD package is hard to surpass. He currently ranks in the top 1% for WW and YW with double digit CED. He offers outstanding carcass merit with CW and REA in the top 1% and MARB in the top 30%. He’s one of the few nonparent sires in the breed to break the +100 $M, +190 $B and $350 $C barriers and ranks in the top 3% or higher for 7 of the 8 $Values.
• You may recognize his pedigree since he’s a full brother to 011AN02267 BA7 Oaks Credence. Credence sold out of inventory earlier this year. He’s currently being used in natural service and will be returning to stud shortly.
• Bold Ruler is owned with K D S Angus and Bullseye Angus, IA.

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Connealy Confidence Plus Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Tobin
Becka Gala of Conanga 8281
Elbanna of Conanga 1209 Connealy Consensus
Elbasta of Conanga 9703
BA7 Oaks Bold Ruler
EricaofEllstonT220 Baldridge 38 Special EF Commando 1366
Baldridge Isabel Y69
Erica of Ellston R96 Bruns Top Cut 373
Erica of Ellston M38