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Black Angus Sire
GDAR Justified 914
GDAR Justified 914
Reg. No.: 19464109
Calved: 1/30/2019

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
GDAR Justified 914:
GDAR Justified 914 is a tremendously balanced sire that covers all the bases! He is level in his design, huge topped, wide based, big ribbed and steps down on a perfect foot. On the move, 914 is super sound and athletic - covering his track on every stride. With two calf crops under his belt - 914 is stamping his progeny - both bulls and heifers - with his same shape , structure and ease of fleshing he exhibits. Bred in the historic Gartner-Denowh program, the cow family behind 914 traces back almost 70 years on their ranch - originating with the cow that started the Donna’s and Forever Lady’s! 914 bred heifers are impressive and look to make model cows. Use 914 to sire calves that come easy and grow, are easy to handle and built to last!

View EPD and Pedigree
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KG Justified 3023 Connealy Judgment Connealy Consensus 7229
Entrine of Conanga 9876
KG Miss Magic 1443 Sitz Wisdom 481T
KG Miss Magic 3528
GDAR Justified 914
GDARForeverLady7533 Sitz Reinvested 636a Connealy Thunder
Sitz Ellunas Elite 656T
GDAR Forever Lady 1138 GDAR Justice 622
GDAR Forever Lady 8345