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Black Angus Sire
Cherry Crk Blue Collar G275
Cherry Crk Blue Collar G275
Reg. No.: 19800734
Calved: 9/4/2019
Tattoo: G275

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $35
Cherry Crk Blue Collar G275:
• Number 4 from ORIgen for Calving Ease Direct EPD, Number 5 for Calving Ease Maternal EPD and Number 6 for Rib Eye area measure EPD and Birth Weight EPD
• Sire was the ABS $88,000 three-quarter interest top-seller of his calf crop at the famous Tehama Angus Ranch who ranked as the ABS NUMBER 1 sales beef bull for their 2022 fiscal year
• Paternal brothers from the first two calf crops by Patriarch included the top-selling bulls of their 2020 and 2021 sales headlined by a $75,000 selection of ST Genetics
• Dam stacks the popular ABS maternal trait leading sires Broken Bow and New Standard and his third dam is a Pathfinder Dam in the Booth performance program
• Designed to breed virgin heifers and for use at altitude without sacrificing yearling performance and added muscle, Blue Collar should be just what his name implies – the bull that can do the “dirty work” while keeping those who use him in business through good times or challenging times
• Priced for use in breeding both purebred and commercial virgin heifers - 100 units or more of this dynamic package at $20 per unit along with FREE shipping!
• Ultra-elite among all Angus sires for Rib Eye area measure EPD, elite for $Angus x Holstein crossbreeding value index, $Angus x Jersey crossbreeding value index, PAP score EPD, Calving Ease Maternal EPD, Calving Ease Direct EPD and Birth Weight EPD, superior for $Grid value index and Yearling Weight EPD and better than breed average for hoof Claw set EPD, hoof Angle EPD, Docility score EPD, percent Heifer Pregnancy EPD, Hair Shedding EPD and Scrotal Circumference measure EPD

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Tehama Patriarch F028 S S Niagara Z29 Hoover Dam
Jet S S X144
Tehama Elite Blackbird D826 Connealy Thunder
Tehama Elite Blackbird Z630
Cherry Crk Blue Collar G275
CherryCrkEnvitaB211S KM Broken Bow 002 Summitcrest Complete 1P55
Summitcrest Princess 0P12
Cherry Crk Envita 1042 S LCC New Standard
C C R Miss Envita 7297-1103B