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Black Angus Sire
Crouch Congress
Crouch Congress
Reg. No.: 20163340
Calved: 2/6/2021
Tattoo: 105

Conv. Semen: $35
Sexed Semen: $F55 M55
Certificates: $50
Crouch Congress:
• NUMBER 1 from ORIgen for PAP score EPD, Number 5 for $Grid value index, Number 7 for $Weaned calf value index, $Angus x Jersey crossbreeding value index and hoof Angle EPD, Number 8 for Rib Eye area measure EPD, Number 9 for $Combined value index and $Angus x Holstein crossbreeding value index and Number 10 for Weaning Weight EPD, Marbling score EPD and Calving Ease Maternal EPD
• Named for the 2022 Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City where he was the $175,000 top-selling bull of the 2022 National Angus Bull Sale conducted by the American Angus Association, his third dam, R B Lady Standard 305-890 was the $175,000 record-setting female of a past National Western Foundation Female Sale at the Stockyards in Denver.
• Sired by the $475,000 record-setting bull of a past Gardiner Angus sale in Kansas, Congress headlines a long list of progeny by his sire that is rapidly becoming a cornerstone of carcass excellence in the Angus breed and his dam stacks two generations of outcross sires that have both become well known for their outstanding daughters.
• Ultra-elite among all Angus sires for $Combined value index, $Weaned calf value index, $Grid value index, $Angus x Holstein crossbreeding value index, $Angus x Jersey crossbreeding value index, Marbling score EPD and PAP score EPD, elite for $Beef value index, Weaning Weight EPD, Yearling Weight EPD and Rib Eye area measure EPD, superior for $Maternal value index, hot Carcass Weight EPD and hoof Angle EPD and better than breed average for hoof Claw set EPD, Docility score EPD, percent Heifer Pregnancy EPD, Hair Shedding EPD, weaning weight from maternal Milk EPD, Scrotal Circumference measure EPD, Calving Ease Maternal EPD and Calving Ease Direct EPD

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G A R Home Town G A R Ashland G A R Early Bird
Chair Rock Ambush 1018
Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 G A R Sure Fire
Chair Rock Progress 3005
Crouch Congress
CAVLadyUnanimous2145-5214 Vision Unanimous 1418 Visiontopline Royal Stockman
Vision Edella 665
RB Lady Sterling 890-2145 HAYNES Sterling 924
R B Lady Standard 305-890