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Black Angus Sire
Beaver Creek Prestige 975
Beaver Creek Prestige 975
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19548568
Calved: 3/2/2019
Tattoo: 975

Conv. Semen: $40
Certificates: $40
Beaver Creek Prestige 975:
• Prestige recieved numerous banners including being selected Grand Champion at the MAJAC by Brittany Cranmer from Lazy JB Angus in Harrisonbug, VA. Later he was selected as Reserve at ERJAS in Lebanon, Tennesse. His first progeny were sold this fall in our online production sale and Prestige sired the high seller and the 3rd high seller. Perhaps the most interesting thing was Prestiges maternal sister that sold for $26,000 in 2015 to Cherry Knoll Farms and was later recognized as Res. Winter Calf Champion at the NWSS. Also Prestiges dam "Scaara 155" has been the cornerstone and high revenue producing cow at Beaver Creek Angus! Here is a list of her progeny accomplishments.

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Colburn Primo 5153 Dameron First Class EXG RS First Rate S903 R3
Dameron Northern Miss 3114
Silveiras Saras Dream 1339 Silveiras Style 9303
EXG Saras Dream S609 R3
Beaver Creek Prestige 975
BCAScaaraEagleEye155 BC Eagle Eye 110-7 B C Lookout 7024
B C Pure Pride Erica D 110
B C A Scaara Elissa K15 Rito 9FB3 of 5H11 Fullback
Simons Oak Miss Edna 658C