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Black Angus Sire
Millars Duke 816
Millars Duke 816
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19343216
Calved: 1/31/2018

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
Millars Duke 816:
Duke enters the program with tremendous excitement! He brings impeccable phenotype and performance galore, all with a much needed outcross pedigree. Pathfinder stacked cow family, his dam Millars Queen Lass 5273 owns WW and YW ratios of 4@114 respectively! Duke’s calves come easy with great vigor, and smash the scales at weaning time. At the Millar Angus 2021 Bull Sale, the Duke sired bulls were the most sought after in the offering. His first daughters have now calved in successfully, exhibiting true maternal characteristics: calm dispositions, great mothering ability, with excellent udder design. Duke will take your program to new heights. He is a true Herd Bull being so consistent in his ability to add quality to his offspring, with added length, volume, calving ease, growth, maternal power and fertility, all with super quiet attitudes!

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B Bar Windy 7 3575 B Bar Windy 79 Crook Mt Really Windy 141
B Bar Lady Jewel 116
B Bar Eulima 357 B Bar Rainmaker 9601
B Bar Eulima 970
Millars Duke 816
MillarsQueenLass5273 Tombstone 050 Sitz Upward 307R
Mytty Countess 906
Millars Queen Lass 3276 V D A R Really Windy 4097
Millars Queen Lass 8276