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(PDF 68 pages)

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Chianina Bargain Semen
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2020 Gelb. Catalog
(PDF 47 pages)

2025 Gelbvieh Flyer
(PDF 14 pages)

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Black Angus Sire
Carter Power Surge
Carter Power Surge
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19829429
Calved: 8/27/2019
Tattoo: 915

Conv. Semen: $25
Certificates: $40
Carter Power Surge:
• Power Surge was the high selling bull in the Carter Cattle Production sale where he sold to Bobcat Angus. He offers calving ease in conjunction with top 5% growth and top 2% $M and 3% $C. Here is a bull that puts it all together on paper and is also an attractive individual with added extension and structural soundness.
• His dam, a productive young cow with a good foot and udder, has 4 calves @ 99 for BW and 105 for WW. Power Surge offers and outcross pedigree to many sire lines. His first progeny at Bobcat and Carter Cattle came easy and have more bone and substance than you would expect from a Calving Ease sire.

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Carter Power Surge
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Carter Lacee 2189
Carter Revolution 2355 Hoover Dam
Carter Revolution 2105