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Black Angus Sire
Coleman Triumph 9145
Coleman Triumph 9145
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19555917
Calved: 2/1/2019
Tattoo: 9145

Conv. Semen: $35
Certificates: $40
Coleman Triumph 9145:
• Triumph was the feature and high selling lot in the 2020 Coleman Angus Female sale where he sold for $225,000. He is a smooth patterned individual that is structurally sound with excellent feet. His dam was selected as the lead off and top selling female in the 2017 Lawson Farms sale and has a production record of 3 @ 101 for BW, 3 @ 110 for WW and 2 @ 110 for YW. Triumph offers the maternal excellence that the Coleman program is known for with some additional performance. He is the definition of balance from an EPD standpoint as well as a phenotypic perspective.
• Larry Coleman said "Triumph has definitely exceeded our expectations. His calves come light with explosive growth, big topped, lots of bone and with great foot structure. Visitors here have loved his calves, they consistently comment on how consistent his calves are. After you see the first one, you can pick them out across the field. We have definitely tied into him here at Coleman Angus."

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Coleman Bravo 6313 Coleman Charlo 0256 O C C Paxton 730P
Bohi Abigale 6014
Coleman Donna 714 Connealy Onward
Coleman Donna 386
Coleman Triumph 9145
LawsonsChloeC815 S A V Renown 3439 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
S A V Blackcap May 4136
Lawsons Chloe Z341 Sitz Upward 307R
Basin Chloe 7T26