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Black Angus Sire
Montana Outcross 9077
Montana Outcross 9077
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19605058
Calved: 4/9/2019
Tattoo: 9077

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
Montana Outcross 9077:
• Sired by SAV Density, known to sire those great productive females, and out of a cow bred by the highly respected Tres Marias program in Argentina. His Maternal Grandsire, Zorzal, has been a highly respected sire in Argentina both known to sire productive A. I. sires as well as show winners. Use Outcross to add breed character, improve feet and sire beautiful productive cows.
• David Brown with Montana Ranch said "Offering a one of a kind pedigree in the United States, Outcross is sired by the deceased, proven and high-demand Pathfinder Sire, Density, and was produced from Porto 3616, a deep-ribbed, perfect footed and moderate-framed female originating from the renowned Tres Marias program in Argentina."

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S A V 004 Density 4336 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Sitz Traveler 8180
Boyd Forever Lady 8003
S A V May 7238 Leachman Right Time
S A R Prospector May 9124
Montana Outcross 9077
BelvinTresMariasPorto3616 Tres Marias 6301 Zorzal Tres Marias 5887 Hornero
Tres Marias 4850 Wind EXT
Tres Marias 6876 Porto 6226 Tres Marias 5997 El Porto
Tres Marias 6226 Calandria