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Black Angus Sire
S A V Anthem 0042
S A V Anthem 0042
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19852817
Calved: 2/19/2020
Tattoo: 0042

Conv. Semen: $40
Certificates: $40
S A V Anthem 0042:
• Anthem was the leadoff and high selling America son at the 2021 Schaff Angus Valley Production sale where he sold to Voss Angus. He was admired for his flawless phenotype and outstanding EPD profile. He is a maternal powerhouse whose Pathfinder dam boasts a 108-weaning ration on 6 calves. He is backed by 8 generations of SAV embryo donors.
• Kelly Schaff commented: “He is one of the greatest breeding accomplishments in the history of Schaff Angus Valley. He represents everything we look for in an ideal breeding bull, both phenotypically and on paper. He presents authentic Angus breed character with masculinity, muscle, capacity and soundness in a herd bull package."

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S A V America 8018 S A V President 6847 Coleman Charlo 0256
S A V Blackcap May 4136
S A V Madame Pride 0075 S A F 598 Bando 5175
S A V Madame Pride 8264
S A V Anthem 0042
SAVMadamePride3145 S A V Priority 7283 S A V Final Answer 0035
S A V Blackcap May 5530
S A V Madame Pride 1171 S A V 707 Rito 9969
S A V Madame Pride 4466