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Black Angus Sire
S A V Certified 0849
S A V Certified 0849
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19852840
Calved: 1/8/2020
Tattoo: 0849

Conv. Semen: $25
Certificates: $40
S A V Certified 0849:
• Certified is a special favorite at SAV and a heavily used young sire. He proudly led off the Scale Crusher sire group at the 2021 SAV sale that created a phenomenon of excitement. Certified is phenotypically flawless with size, scale, muscle, large scrotal and superb feet. He achieved a 1039 lb. WW and a 1674 lb. YW with a 17.3-inch Ribeye. Certified brings a proven outcross sire lineage to the best of the time-honored SAV Blackcap May family that leads the breed in the production of A.I. stud sires. Certified’s remarkable dam is a leading member of the same historic flush that produced Resource and is also a full sister to Renown and Recharge. His first progeny are long bodied and attractive with added muscle and top.

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Marcys Scale Crusher Sitz Upward 307R Connealy Onward
Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M
Marcys Erica 393 Leachman Right Time
G Marcy Erica 118
S A V Certified 0849
SAVBlackcapMay1420 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075 R R Rito 707
Ideal 3407 of 1418 076
S A V Blackcap May 4136 S A V 8180 Traveler 004
S A V May 2397