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Black Angus Sire
Sitz Galactic 723G
Sitz Galactic 723G
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19393010
Calved: 1/28/2019
Tattoo: 723G

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
Sitz Galactic 723G:
• Galactic was the featured lot 1 bull at the Sitz Angus 2020 spring bull sale where he sold to Vollmer Angus Ranch. He has gone on to prove himself as a Prolific sire with almost 200 calves in his proof indexing 98 for BW and 103 for WW. He is an impressive individual with excellent feet and tremendous capacity and power. He is a bigger bull that doesn’t give anything up in terms of base width and muscle. His oldest daughters are bred heifers that will calve this spring and they are big middled, broody looking females that you would love to have in your replacement pen. From an EPD standpoint he knocks it out of the park for performance, feet, and Hair Shed with very acceptable carcass traits.

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Sitz Stellar 726D Mohnen Substantial 272 Benfield Substance 8506
Mohnen Glyn Mawr Elba 1758
SITZ Pride 200B Connealy Final Product
Sitz Pride 308Y
Sitz Galactic 723G
SitzBarbaramereJet328E Sitz Emblem 11125 S A V Pioneer 7301
SITZ Shauna 3152
Sitz Barbaramere Jet 771Z Sitz New Design 458N
Sitz Barbaramere Jet 135R