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Black Angus Sire
Sitz Legacy 11508
Sitz Legacy 11508
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19047447
Calved: 2/4/2018
Tattoo: 11508

Conv. Semen: $25
Certificates: $40
Sitz Legacy 11508:
• Legacy exhibits the breed leading maternal power the Sitz program is known for. He is structurally sound and excellent in his makeup. He walks on a large correct foot and takes a big long stride. He is one of the top Logo sons in the breed for $C and $M and is excellent for PAP with a top 3% EPD and an actual score of 38. When you look at his HP and SC he excels for the fertility traits. Legacy will add some maternal value back into your cowherd. His first calves look good and are indexing 103 for Weaning. If PAP, $C, $M and HP are important to you, I challenge you to find another bull in the breed that can match his data for those traits.

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SITZ Logo 12964 Sitz Tebow 11860 Sitz New Design 458N
Sitz Emma E 2738
SITZ Shauna 3152 Sitz Game Day 9470
Sitz Shauna 1590
Sitz Legacy 11508
SitzElsiemere2376 Koupals B&B Titan 3013 Koupals B&B Extra 0011
B&B Blackcap 0068
Sitz Elsiemere 4434 Sitz Final Statement 10152
Sitz Elsiemere 3710