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Black Angus Sire
Sitz Logo 8148
Sitz Logo 8148
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19087441
Calved: 3/5/2018
Tattoo: 8148

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
Sitz Logo 8148:
• 8148 offers calving ease, explosive growth, top of the breed maternal traits and low PAP, all wrapped up in an individual that is high volume, wide based and good footed. His Pathfinder dam is one of the top cows at Sitz Angus.
• Jim Sitz said "Our Logo 8148 Calves look to be the real deal. They will have a lot of performance. All summer long they have looked to be one of the heavier sire groups. They are very long bodied offering a little more extension with plenty of muscle and thickness."
• Hans Buckner with Split Diamond says this about Logo: “If you are looking for progeny that will perform, keep mature cow size in check, add muscle, carcass, and keep the fertility and productivity in your cows, this is a bull you need to use. Posted an excellent PAP score in a herd that has been testing for over 16 years and “8148” was at the top end of his class with a 34. His feet, legs and disposition are top shelf which will add longevity and fault free cattle with less issues for years down the road.”

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SITZ Logo 12964 Sitz Tebow 11860 Sitz New Design 458N
Sitz Emma E 2738
SITZ Shauna 3152 Sitz Game Day 9470
Sitz Shauna 1590
Sitz Logo 8148
SITZBarbaramereNell912 Sitz Upward 307R Connealy Onward
Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M
Sitz Barbaramere Nell 738 GDAR Game Day 449
Sitz Barbaramere Nell 2246