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Black Angus Sire
Yon Flagship
Yon Flagship
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20024449
Calved: 12/10/2020
Tattoo: J974

Conv. Semen: $40
Certificates: $40
Yon Flagship:
• Flagship came to Knoll Crest as the $66,000 record selling bull of the October Yon sale. Since selling, his EPD profile has become increasingly unique with added progeny data from his sire.
• Flagship is a massively constructed, perfect footed, high capacity bull with an athletic stride. He's big testicled, wide based and masculine. Produced from a 23 month heifer, he earned an 83 BWR, 105 WWR, 109 YWR, 121 IMFR and 110 RER.
• Flagship... no animal in the Angus population comes close to matching his combination of calving ease, growth and marbling... plus he's top 1% RADG, 1% CEM, 4% Docility, 4% HS, 1% $AxH, 1% $F, 1% $G,1% $B, 1% $C.
• Flagship descends from multiple generations of Yon donors and traces to the foundation Graham Queen M17 from the famed Graham Angus herd in Georgia.
• Flagship is a great producer of high quality semen. He is being used extensively at Yon Family Farms and Knoll Crest this winter and will have a big calf crop next Fall.

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GB Fireball 672 G A R Sure Fire 6404 G A R Sure Fire
G A R Complete N281
GB Anticipation 432 G A R Anticipation
GB Ambush 269
Yon Flagship
YonQueenG1085 SydGen Enhance SydGen Exceed 3223
SydGen Rita 2618
Yon Queen C27 S A V Final Answer 0035
Yon Queen A43