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Black Angus Sire
Ellingson Hi-Range
Ellingson Hi-Range
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20136906
Calved: 3/12/2021
Tattoo: 1356

Conv. Semen: $50
Certificates: $50
Hi-Range daughter (Hf Rosebud 33L)
Ellingson Hi-Range:
Ellingson Hi-Range 1356 was the extremely popular 2 nd high selling bull in Ellingson’s 2022 sale, selling to Hamilton Farms and MWC Investments for $160,000.00. Ellingson Hi-Range 1356 is one of the most interesting Angus herd bulls available. He is what to- day’s Angus cowherd needs. He should be a game changer for structure, foot quality and mobility. His -1.9 birth- weight EPD, +14 CED EPD and maternal lineage are key to selling volumes of semen to progressive ranches breeding large groups of heifers. He represents four consecutive generations of calving-ease sires with the Ellingson prefix – Rangeland, Homegrown, Boardwalk and Identity. His outcross pedigree offers mating flexibility for a large cross- section of the breed, yet still is proven to give confidence to those doing so. He earned a birth ratio of 88 and a nursing ratio of 109. His young dam’s fleshing ease, wedge design and structure are certainly one of Hi-Range’s greatest assets. Hi-Range’s first calves have hit the ground now… he is a sure-fire calving ease bull and the calves are transforming quickly with big wide tops and attractive look.

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Ellingson Rangeland Basin Rainmaker 4404 Basin Rainmaker 2704
Basin Joy 1036
EA Emblynette 7009 CTS Remedy 1T01
EA Emblynette 5241
Ellingson Hi-Range
EAEmblynette9473 Ellingson Homegrown 6035 CTS Remedy 1T01
EA Blanche 4137
EA Emblynette 7211 Ellingson Boardwalk 3032
EA Emblynette 1026