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Black Angus Sire
S A V Rise N Shine 2709
S A V Rise N Shine 2709
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20475057
Calved: 1/14/2022
Tattoo: 2709

Conv. Semen: $40
Certificates: $40
S A V Rise N Shine 2709:
Rise N Shine was the leadoff lot 1 and high selling bull at the 2023 Schaff Angus Valley Production Sale. He sold to Southern Cattle Co. He is a Renovation son out of the great Emblynette 2369 cow. She is best known as the #1 beef value cow in the SAV herd and is the dam of such greats as Bloodline, Emblem and Ajax. Kelly Schaff had the following to say about this outstanding young sire: “He demonstrates as much shape, muscle, power and presence as you can put in a phenotypically flawless package, along with authentic Angus Breed character. He will be a future staple in the SAV Program.”

View EPD and Pedigree
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S A V Renovation 6822 S A V Renown 3439 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
S A V Blackcap May 4136
S A V Madame Pride 0151 S A V 004 Density 4336
S A V Madame Pride 0075
S A V Rise N Shine 2709
SAVEmblynette2369 S A V 707 Rito 9969 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
BR Polly 8077-472
S A V Emblynette 7566 S A V Net Worth 4200
S A V Emblynette 7261