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Black Angus Sire
Boyd Bellringer 2010
Boyd Bellringer 2010
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20363001
Calved: 1/1/2022
Tattoo: 2010

Conv. Semen: $50
Certificates: $30
Boyd Bellringer 2010:
• I don’t want the flat ones, the ones that come with a set of numbers but leave out the importance of the cow. I don’t just want the packer to be who gets a premium, if I am going to take the time to try and improve my cow base I want to do just that. I want good udders, longevity, eye appeal, I want power, a big foot, big top, and some rib, shape, and dimension, I want it all because those things are what makes up my bottom dollar, if the • Bellringer is a breed changer, a difference maker that offers reliable and predictable maternal genetics from a cow family that does everything
right year in and year out! He combines “The Right Kind” of phenotype with phenomenal performance and bred-in carcass merit with perfect feet and a superb disposition. Big-time figures in his EPD profile which combines excellent genomics with unsurpassed individual performance.

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G A R Home Town G A R Ashland G A R Early Bird
Chair Rock Ambush 1018
Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 G A R Sure Fire
Chair Rock Progress 3005
Boyd Bellringer 2010
BoydRosetta0007 Deer Valley Growth Fund Basin Payweight 1682
Deer Valley Rita 36113
Boyd Rosetta 4302 EXAR Denver 2002B
S A V Rosetta 9123