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Black Angus Sire
De-Su CrystalClear E362
De-Su CrystalClear E362
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20557731
Calved: 6/2/2021

Conv. Semen: $25
Certificates: $40
De-Su CrystalClear E362:
• CrystalClear is quite possibly the best son of the Connealy sire Clarity and is a great option for any breeding project you may have. With a calving ease of +9 and an actual birth weight of 75lbs, he is a great choice for heifers. Additionally, Crystal Clear has the power and growth behind him to be the perfect option for your cows as his weaning and yearling EPD’s are +86 and +153. Crystal Clear has the traits that you need such as slick hair, good feet, and 21 EPDs in the top 25% or better. His dam out of Jet Black, is a well put together cow that has maternal written all over her. Crystal Clear will make heavy muscled bulls with good feet that everyone will want on sale day and will make cows that are sure to remain in the herd, maintain good feet, and great fertility while bringing in a big calf every year.

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Connealy Clarity Cherry Creek Land Grant K C F Bennett Homestead
Cherry Crk Eva B27 M
Breshie of Conanga 6988 Connealy Confidence Plus
Brelly of Conanga 367
De-Su CrystalClear E362
DE-SUC41 Bar R Jet Black 5063 Connealy Black Granite
Bar R Iris Anita 0113
TCA Total Imp Treasure 309 Poss Total Impact 745
T C A Protege Treasure 003