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Black Angus Sire
Schiefelbein Unreal 242
Schiefelbein Unreal 242
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20490805
Calved: 1/24/2022
Tattoo: 242

Conv. Semen: $40
Certificates: $30
Schiefelbein Unreal 242:
• Numbered cattle need to have the phenotypical profiles that match what those numbers say they are, they need to be well rounded and focus not just on how these cattle are going to feed and hang a carcass, or the fact that they calve easy, they need to have the maternal traits bred deep into their pedigree’s. There needs to be a strong focus on the female, on the things that numbers can’t measure. The number one thing we need to remember as producers, specifically seedstock producers is that visual analysis sells the majority of cattle in the pasture and through the sale barn, the fact that udder quality, feet, disposition, and longevity are just important as what carcass looks like hanging on the rail.
• Schiefelbein Unreal encompasses the numbers and ranks in the top 4% of the breed with double digit calving ease and a negative BW EPD of -3.3 ranking him in the top 1% but also turns around in curve bender fashing and ranks in the top 2% for weaning and !% for yearling. All of that is awesome but the part that attracted us the most to Unreal was the fact that he, his dam, and his sire looked the part, and were visually analyzed for all the things that make producers profitible. Coming from a line of donor females for the Schiefelbein program his dam in EPD ranking in the top 35% of 11 of the 12 major traits. This includes the top 1% for YW, 2% for WW, 3% for DOC, 4% for $M, 5% for BW, 10% for Milk & RE, 15% for $C and 25% for CED & HP. Before she was analyzed for her genetic profile she was analyzed visually, she was set apart from her contemporaries for having the eye appeal and balance that set good cattle apart.
• Unreal reads awesome on paper, John called the first time he saw him and said “Jeannie, you are going to love this bull, he’s your kind.” At Griswold Cattle we know just like you what pays the bills, cattle have to work at home first! This is a bull that is our kind, numbers and all.

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Schiefelbein Untouchable 70 Deer Valley Growth Fund Basin Payweight 1682
Deer Valley Rita 36113
Frosty Elba 4107 Schiefelbein Attractive 4565
Frosty Focus 2610
Schiefelbein Unreal 242
FrostyElba450 Schiefelbein Attractive 4565 JMB Traction 292
Frosty Answer 3979
Frosty Elba 2048 K C F Bennett Fortress
Frosty Elba 1645