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Black Angus Sire
Koupals B&B Everest 2034
Koupals B&B Everest 2034
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Reg. No.: 20480432
Calved: 1/4/2022
Tattoo: 2034

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $40
Koupals B&B Everest 2034:
• Everest was the featured lot 1 and second high selling bull at the Koupals B&B Angus Bull sale. He is a stylish, attractive calf with extended spine length and excellent feet. He is out of the well known Blackbird 3015 cow who is the foundation matriarch at Koupals. She is the dam of numerous herd bulls who are working in numerous top herds around the country including Pathfinder. She has 7 calves @ 101 for BW, 107 for WW and 6 @ 108 for YW. She also has 26 calves scanned @ 102 for %IMF and 102 for Ribeye. Everest will be a heifer bull deluxe and will leave you with some fantastic females.

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ZWT Summitt 6507 S A V Renown 3439 Rito 707 of Ideal 3407 7075
S A V Blackcap May 4136
Coleman Donna 714 Connealy Onward
Coleman Donna 386
Koupals B&B Everest 2034
B&BBlkbdProgress3015 Koupals B&B Identity Sitz Upward 307R
B&B Erica 605
B&B Blkbd Progress 0049 Koupals B&B Marathon 8031
B&B Blkbd Progress 4051