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Black Angus Sire
Quaker Hill Upper Cut 1Y22
Quaker Hill Upper Cut 1Y22
Reg. No.: 20617329
Calved: 10/19/2021
Tattoo: 1Y22

Conv. Semen: $35
Certificates: $40
Quaker Hill Upper Cut 1Y22:
• A superstar of the Spring 2024 NCC report released in early December and sired by an increasingly popular outcross A.I. sire for many programs, this young sire is very unique in the fact that he offers breed leading marbling score genetics with a pedigree that does not include either the $180,000 half interest G A R Progress or his famous sire G A R Predestined who are woven throughout the pedigree tabulations of most of the most popular sources of marbling score genetics in the Angus breed.
• Paternal sisters to Upper Cut topped the Fall 2022 Yon female sale at $55,000, $44,000 and $25,000 and a paternal brother topped the Spring 2023 Yon bull sale at $27,000 for two-thirds interest while a paternal sister was the $26,000 top-selling female of the Fall 2023 Yon female sale.
• Among ORIgen Sires as of 12-22-23, NUMBER 1 for $Grid value index and Marbling score EPD, Number 3 for $Combined value index, $Maternal value index and Scrotal Circumference measure EPD, Number 6 for weaning weight from maternal Milk EPD and $Angus x Holstein crossbreeding value index, Number 7 for $Weaned calf value index and percent Heifer Pregnancy EPD, Number 8 for Calving Ease Maternal score EPD, Number 9 for reducing Mature Height EPD, ultra-elite for $Beef value index and $Angus x Jersey crossbreeding value index, superior for Weaning Weight EPD, Yearling Weight EPD, Rib Eye area measure EPD, Docility score EPD and Hair Shedding score EPD and better than breed avg for Calving Ease Direct score EPD, Birth Weight EPD, Claw set score EPD, hoof Angle score EPD and reducing Mature Weight EPD

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Yon Top Cut G730 Spring Cove Reno 4021 KM Broken Bow 002
Spring Cove Liza 021
Yon Sarah D668 V A R Discovery 2240
Yon Sarah A615
Quaker Hill Upper Cut 1Y22
QuakerHillEmpress9X30 Quaker Hill One Eyed Jack V A R Discovery 2240
Quaker Hill Queen Rita 4W18
QuakerHill SGR Empress 7SF15 G A R Sure Fire
Vintage Empress 5467