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Black Angus Sire
Boyd Bluegrass 1203
Boyd Bluegrass 1203
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20214209
Calved: 9/3/2021
Tattoo: 1203

Conv. Semen: $30
Certificates: $50
Boyd Bluegrass 1203:
• Chosen by the partnership of Basin Angus Ranch and Sawyers’ A & B Cattle Company as the top-selling fall yearling of the Spring 2023 Boyd Beef Cattle bull sale, this son of the powerful Salvation featured in the Grimmius program in California carries on a great maternal cow family that originated in the Tehama and Wulff herds there and his dam is a member of the same cow family that produced the $170,000 Boyd Signature 1014.
• Offering one of the four highest CED values among 1,266 sons of his sire as of this writing while combining $value index excellence with altitude adaptability, outstanding docility, and super foot scores, Bluegrass balanced a low birth ratio of 97 along with a weaning ratio of 107 and his balances an average progeny birth ratio of 4 at 97 with an average progeny weaning ratio of 4 at 106 with her only calf scanned recording a %IMF ratio of 117.
• Among ORIgen Sires as of 12-22-23, Number 4 for Calving Ease Direct score EPD, Number 6 for Hair Shedding score EPD and Calving Ease Maternal score EPD, Number 9 for weaning weight from maternal Milk EPD, Number 10 for Claw set score EPD and hoof Angle score EPD, elite for $Combined value index, $Beef value index, $Feedlot value index, $Angus x Holstein crossbreeding value index and $Angus x Jersey crossbreeding value index, superior for $Maternal value index, $Weaned calf value index, $Grid value index, Marbling score EPD, hot Carcass Weight EPD, Birth Weight EPD and Pulmonary Arterial Pressure score EPD and better than breed avg for Docility score EPD, percent Heifer Pregnancy EPD, ability to store Fat reserves EPD and reducing Mature Weight EPD

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SG Salvation Baldridge Alternative E125 Poss Easy Impact 0119
Baldridge Blackbird A030
MGR JP Rita 7037 Basin Payweight 1682
MGR Rita 2145
Boyd Bluegrass 1203
BoydEricaDianna6052 A & B Twenty X 3149 A A R Ten X 7008 S A
A & B Annie 8070
Boyd Erica Dianna 4009 EXAR Denver 2002B
Boyd Erica Dianna 9054