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Black Angus Sire
Sitz Centennial 11702
Sitz Centennial 11702
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20306671
Calved: 2/1/2022
Tattoo: 11702

Conv. Semen: $40
Certificates: $50
Sitz Centennial 11702:
• With his addition to the ORIgen marketing system, ORIgen is pleased to carry on the Sitz Angus Centennial Celebration where this promising young sire was the $44,000 second high-selling bull of the Sitz family’s phenomenal 58th annual fall bull sale!
• Assigned the Lot Number 100 and named SITZ Centennial 11702 to commemorate the five generations of the Sitz family’s celebration of a century as Angus breeders in Nebraska, Colorado and for the last 64 years in Montana, study his pedigree and notice that his EPD profile comes to the top of the population for the traits that the Sitz family has focused upon for a century that have earned this cow herd the recognition as "America’s Maternal Herd" in the eyes of cattlemen from around the world.
• This bull designed to be a "cow maker" carries forward the great Logo sire line of high maternal genetics and his sire SITZ Logo 8148 was the second high-selling bull of the 2019 Sitz Fall Bull Sale to Split Diamond from the sale that was topped by the ORIgen sales leader SITZ Resilient.
• Sons of Logo 6148 have been the most popular and highly valued sire group of the past two Sitz Fall Bull Sales and Hans Buckner, owner of Split Diamond who purchased him, says this about Logo 8148: “If you are looking for progeny that will perform, keep mature cow size in check, add muscle, carcass, and keep the fertility and productivity in your cows, this is a bull you need to use. Posted an excellent PAP score in a herd that has been testing for over 16 years and Logo 8148 was at the top end of his class with an amazing score of 34 and his feet, legs and disposition are top shelf which will add longevity to fault free cattle with less issues for years down the road.”

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Sitz Logo 8148 SITZ Logo 12964 Sitz Tebow 11860
SITZ Shauna 3152
SITZ Barbaramere Nell 912 Sitz Upward 307R
Sitz Barbaramere Nell 738
Sitz Centennial 11702
SitzEnnoblesEmma170 Sitz Stellar 726D Mohnen Substantial 272
SITZ Pride 200B
Sitz Enobles Emma 278 Sitz Bullseye 9994
Sitz Enobles Emma 116