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Black Angus Sire
Baldridge Versatile
Baldridge Versatile
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19563587
Calved: 4/24/2019
Tattoo: G289

Conv. Semen: $40
Sexed Semen: $F100 M80
Certificates: $50
Baldridge Versatile:
• One of the top Marbling score EPD sires available from ORIgen and a sales leader for several years, Baldridge Versatile recorded the highest marbling score EPD produced in the Baldridge Performance Angus program when he sold to a progressive group of Angus breeders for $250,000 as the lead and top-selling bull of their 2021 where his five flush brothers sold for an average of $26,800.
• In the 2023 Baldridge Performance Angus Bull Sale, 33 yearling sons of Versatile commanded an average price of $8,636 headlined by the $19,000 Baldridge Kinetic K86 and in the 2022 Brumfield Angus Fall sale a daughter of Versatile was crowd favorite that sold half interest for $25,000.
• Top-selling spring bull calf of the 2022 Diamond Dot Fall Sale was a $20,000 son of Versatile and he led his five flush brothers to an average price of more than $11,000 to make the 13 spring bull calf sons of Versatile the top averaging sire group of calves at $7,750.
• The now-deceased dam of Versatile is one of the greatest producing daughters of the ORIgen legend Hoover Dam that sold half interest for $110,000 to make her the top-valued female of the 2021 Baldridge Performance Angus Female Sale.
• Maternal brothers to Versatile include the $155,000 lead bull of the 2016 Baldridge sale that was his dam’s first natural calf, and her son, Baldridge Alternative E125, that topped his calf crop at $120,000 in 2018 has become a top semen seller at ORIgen.
• Baldridge Versatile is long and deep bodied, free moving, and up headed and he stands and moves square to the ground with good feet and base width in combination with a big spread EPD profile and excellence in all the bio-economic indexes with the highly unusual combination of elite bio-economic indexes and can be mated to virgin heifers with confidence with an expectation of progeny with superior marbling score genetics and solid genetics for added growth and excellent docility score and sons of Versatile tied as the Top Sire Group for Midland Index of the Group 1 bulls at the 2023 Midland Bull Test.

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Baldridge Forecaster B160 G A R Prophet C R A Bextor 872 5205 608
G A R Objective 1885
Baldridge Pratissa W165 GAR-EGL Protege
Baldridge Pratissia S4
Baldridge Versatile
BaldridgeBlackbirdA030 Hoover Dam SydGen C C & 7
Erica of Ellston C124
Baldridge Blackbird X89 Styles Upgrade J59
Baldridge Blackbird P160