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Black Angus Sire
Sitz Incentive 704H
Sitz Incentive 704H
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 19677938
Calved: 1/25/2020
Tattoo: 704H

Conv. Semen: $50
Certificates: $50
Sitz Incentive 704H:
• The $235,000 record-setting selection of JC Heiken & Sons Angus from the 2021 SITZ “Elite Sort” Female Sale where his dam was the top-selling female at $160,000 to Express Ranches and Spruce Mountain Ranch.
• The first daughters of Incentive sold at auction have been headlined by the $140,000 half interest selection of Pollard Farms from the record-setting $8,000,000 2023 Big Event at Express with another fall yearling daughter sold at Spruce Mountain in 2023 for $50,000 to SydGen while a third fall yearling daughter sold for $50,000 to Jocko Valley in the 2023 Nowatzke-Maple Lane sale and his sons will include sale features of many top bull sales across the continent in 2024.
• This sensation of the 2021 fall sale season touches the essential bases for beef production for nearly all altitudes and environments and his first calf crop in the Heiken and Sitz Angus herds show great promise with a daughter sold as a heifer calf for $14,000 in the 2022 NILE Female sale and two sons topping the 2023 Heiken bull sale at $16,000 and $14,000.
• With an actual birth weight of 79 pounds for a birth ratio of 98, an adjusted 205-day weight of 846 pounds for a weaning ratio of 113, and an adjusted 365-day weight of 1,489 pounds for a yearling ratio of 112 with a yearling PAP score of 35.

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Sitz Stellar 726D Mohnen Substantial 272 Benfield Substance 8506
Mohnen Glyn Mawr Elba 1758
SITZ Pride 200B Connealy Final Product
Sitz Pride 308Y
Sitz Incentive 704H
SITZBarbaramereNell53F Sitz Invasion 574D Connealy Conquest
Sitz Supermama 173Z
SITZ Barbaramere Nell 105D Koupals B&B Titan 3013
Sitz Barbaramere Nell 874