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Black Angus Sire
Spring Cove Grant 200K
Spring Cove Grant 200K
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20669598
Calved: 9/11/2022
Tattoo: 200K

Conv. Semen: $50
Certificates: $50
Spring Cove Grant 200K
Spring Cove Grant 200K:
GRANT is the kind we’ve been striving to build for over a century. We will use him extensively at Spring Cove Ranch and Triple L Angus. Like his sire FEAT, GRANT has elite presence with added center body dimension and muscularity. He’s is out of a fabulous Reno daughter, Spring Cove Carol 811, who is a granddaughter of Spring Cove Carol 418. We sold 1/2 interest in the 9-year-old Carol 418 to Trevor Curtiss from Parma, ID, at our fall female sale for $46,000. A full sister to GRANT, Spring Cove Carol 216 sold in the 2023 Foundation Female sale at the NWSS for $17,000 to Reverse Rocking R Ranch, Maxwell, NM, who in turn sold 1/2 interest in her to Pine View Angus, Colesburg, IA. Another full sister to GRANT sold to the RA Brown Ranch and Brad Jones, both of Texas, and the his grand dam, Carol 655, is in production in the T/D Angus herd in NE. This powerful maternal pedigree has caught the attention of keen breeders from across the nation.

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Sitz Feat 729H Sitz Accomplishment 720F Poss Achievement
Sitz Barbaramere Nell 166D
Sitz Sitz Forever Lady 12F Sitz Stellar 726D
Sitz Forever Lady 9D
Spring Cove Grant 200K
SpringCoveCarol811 Spring Cove Reno 4021 KM Broken Bow 002
Spring Cove Liza 021
Spring Cove Carol 655 Sitz Pioneer 566B
Spring Cove Carol 418