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Black Angus Sire
Mohnen Historic
Mohnen Historic
Click photo to enlarge
Reg. No.: 20048543
Calved: 12/9/2020
Tattoo: 51

Conv. Semen: $35
Certificates: $40
Mohnen Historic:
• Historic topped the 2022 record setting bull sale for the Mohnen family where he brought $210,000 selling to Schrock Angus. He combines two of the maternal greats at Mohnen’s: The abigale 1170 cow, the dam of his sire Prince and Jilt 1655, his dam. Both cows have been phenomenal donors for Mohnen’s. His dam has 4 calves @ 107 for BW and 4 @ 104 for YW. He is phenotypically flawless and writes an EPD profile to match. He is a calving ease bull that excels for all the maternal traits, is excellent for marbling, PAP and the new Hair Shed EPD. This is a bull that is easy to plug in with an outcross pedigree and great EPDs.
• Mohnen’s comments about Historic: “He stands proud and square, with a great hip and extra spring of rib with a level topline.”

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Mohnen Prince 2959 Connealy Confidence Plus Connealy Confidence 0100
Elbanna of Conanga 1209
Mohnen Abigale 1170 S A V Pioneer 7301
Mohnen Abigale 2006
Mohnen Historic
MohnenJilt1655 Wulffs Ext 6106 N Bar Emulation EXT
Wulffs Erica Dianna C116
Mohnen Jilt 910 Clearwater Paf Seville 1977
Mohnen Jilt 143