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(PDF 68 pages)

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Maine Anjou Bargain Semen
Chianina Bargain Semen
Gelbvieh - All
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Gelbvieh - Bargain Semen
(includes Fullbloods)

Igenity data
GeneSTAR data
2020 Gelb. Catalog
(PDF 47 pages)

2025 Gelbvieh Flyer
(PDF 14 pages)

Hereford - All
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Hereford - Black
Shorthorn - w/photo
Shorthorn - listing
Simmental - All
Simmental - Black
Simmental - Red
Simm - Solutions
Simm - Bargain Semen
Bargain Semen

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American Simmental Association Bull Barn Genetics - Black Simmental Sires
(Click on the Bull you would like more information on)
= Added to lineup in the last 90 days     = Photo available     = Description available     = GeneSTAR data
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Click here for a complete alphabetical listing (red & black)

If you don't find what you're looking for here - we have more 'hard to find' Simmental semen available in our Simmental Bargain Semen
Semen Code Yr
BAS Money Maker J801 $40 24 24
BCLR Cash Flow C820 $30 3 20
Brand New Man 001H $35 4 24
Bridle Bit Resource G9117 $40 D 21
Brown RRR Emblem J3541 $25 2 23
BTYL Doc Holliday 202G $50 4 23
Camp Crockett J1098 $30 D 23
CCR Kiowa 5065H $30 D 23
CCS/JS Doc 48H $25 2 23
CDI Trustee 387F $25 ST 20
CKCC LD Dimension 8965 $25 6 23
Clemson Elite 41J $30 ST 24
CLRS General Lee 655G $50 4 23
CLRS Guardian 317G $40 4D 21
CLRS Hero 8086H $30 D 21
CLRWTR Clear Advantage H4G $50 4 23
CSCX Bandwagon 513A $30 G4 16
DBJR Cobra $35 4 24
Dikemans Konza 13K $20 ST 23
DMCC Hitman 116G $25 ST 21
EGL Executive Order E019 $16 D 19
ES Right Time FA110-4 $50 4 24
FBF1 Combustible $30 4G 15
Felt Perseverance 302F $50 4L 20
FP/L Jurisdiction 103J $30 3 23
FRKG Journey 71J $40 4 24
GCC Momentum 142X $30 G 14
GCC New California 131J $50 4 23
GCC Night Owl 3104L $40 4 24
GEFF County O $50 G4ST 18
Gibbs 9114G Essential $25 3D 21
GOE Lets Roll 749J $40 4 24
GSC GCCO Dew North 102C $50 G4 18
GW Lucky Break 047G $5 e 23
GW Triple Crown 018C $20 7 24
H2OS Hercules $40 4 23
HA Covenant 30K $30 D4 23
HA Justice 30J $30 D 22
HILB Oracle C033R $25 ST 20
HL Tommy Boy K65 $30 4 24
HOF New Era 1882J $30 4 24
Hook`s Baltic 17B $20 D 16
Hook`s Beacon 56B $20 4D 16
Hook`s Bozeman 8B $25 . 16
Hook`s Forefront 16J $30 D 22
Hook`s Frontline 40F $25 0D 20
Hook`s Galant 58G $18 A 21
Hook`s Joker 8J $20 A 22
HRCC Hondo 035 $50 4 23
IR/JLN Boomer J425 $30 D 23
Jass On The Mark 69D $40 4G 18
JC King of The Road 468H $30 D 21
JC Mr Total Power F113K $30 D 23
J-J Mr American Eagle 938G $25 5 21
JS Keepin It 90 39H $50 4 23
JSUL Dare 2 Compare 2312K $125 4 24
KBHR Bold Ruler H152 $25 3 22
KBHR Chisum H160 $30 D 23
KBHR Cimarron F151 $25 D 20
KBHR HandyMan H124 $30 D 21
KBHR High Road E283 $30 3D 18
KBHR Honor H060 $30 D 21
KBHR Keynote K229 $40 D 23
KBHR Revolution H071 $50 4 25
KCC Judge 258-J058 $30 D 23
K-F Pays To Be Cool J210 $40 4 23
KJK1 38 Special 801J $50 4 23
Semen Code Yr
KLER Linebacker 05G $40 4 23
KMJ Husker 814 $30 . 20
Koch Big Timber 685D $20 . 18
KRJ HZN Direct Impact F805 $25 7 20
KSU Bald Eagle 53G $40 4 20
LBRS Genesis G69 $25 3 21
LCDR Anthem 33K $75 4 25
LCDR Favor 149F $50 4 21
LCDR Patriot 8K $75 4 25
LCDR Progressive 106G $25 2 21
LCDR Reserve 210J $30 3 23
LLSF Dauntless K07 $100 4 24
LLSF Draft Pick H383 $50 4 23
LLSF Favored One H98 $50 4 23
LLSF High Profile J903 $50 4 24
LLW CARD Compass 086K $40 4 24
LLW Card Merit 03H $50 4 23
LLW Card True North G71 $45 6 23
LRS Dutton 611K $30 2 24
LRS Falcon 442G $35 7D 20
MEK Bankers Approval $50 4 23
MG/GSC Authority W14C $25 ST 18
MR Ishee Triple Trail Blazer $30 D 21
MR SR Highlife G1609 $25 2 21
MR SR Hollywood H1743 $30 7 21
MYY/SAS Cool Directive J909 $30 4 23
Next Level $100 4 25
OMF Epic E27 $30 4ST 19
Only One $100 4 24
PAL/CLAC Meant to Be $50 4 19
Revelation 2K $150 4 24
Rocking P Private Stock H010 $50 4 23
Ruby NFF Up The Ante 9171G $50 4 21
SAS Shootin the Moon j221 $60 e 25
Schooley Standout 27G $25 2 21
SFI Next Level H6 $25 ST 22
SO Remnant 418J $75 4 24
STCC Mantachie 105L $25 2 25
Swain Sentinel C102J $50 4 23
THSF Lover Boy B33 $50 4G 24
TJ 50K 485H $30 D7 23
TJ Gold 274G $30 0 20
TJ High Plains 986E $20 7D 20
TJ Klondike 549K $30 0 24
TJ Nebraska 258G $25 3 21
TJ Power Play 422H $20 A 23
TJSC Coping with Destiny 9K $175 4 25
TJSC King of Diamonds $40 4 20
TLLC One Eyed Jack $10 4 13
TNT Tanker U263 $25 . 13
W/C Bullseye 3046A $50 4 17
W/C Double Down 5014E $40 4 19
W/C Night Watch 84E $50 4 19
W/C Right Now 1198J $25 6 25
WAGR Driver 706T $40 e 24
WBF Patton K059 $35 3 23
WBF Undisputed L078 $35 4 25
Wheatland 3-D 1142J $50 4 23
WHF Entourage H450 $50 40 23
WHF Point Proven H45 $50 2 25
WINC All Right 213K $50 4 25
WLB Bounty Hunter 365C $30 6 23
WLSF Firehouse 911K $75 4 25
Wood Ruthless $75 4 23
WS Full House 36K $30 D 23
WS Proclamation E202 $50 D 18
133 Bulls